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Post Menopausal Weight Gain

A helpful look into the reasons behind postmenopausal weight gain and practical advice on managing it effectively.


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Some weight gain is linked to menopause hormones and some isn’t. Many of the reasons for weight gain you’ll see below are often interlinked. We hope this summary will help you to understand the changes your body goes through as you get older and help you take back control.

Hormonal Changes and Their Impact

Key Hormonal Changes: During menopause, oestrogen levels fall and this hormonal adjustment shifts how the body stores fat and can often lead to weight gain around the abdomen rather than the hips and thighs.

  • Low oestrogen levels result in a redistribution of fat from the thighs to round your middle – so that even if your weight stays the same, your body shape may change.
  • You may experience changes in appetite as a result of falling oestrogen levels

Ageing and Metabolic Rate

Metabolism Slowdown: As we grow older our metabolic rate gradually decreases, resulting in fewer calories expended during periods of rest as well as during physical activities. That’s why many women need fewer calories as they go through the menopause and beyond. They can carry on eating exactly the same way as they have always done, but their weight will slowly increase.

  • Taking part in regular physical activity helps increase your metabolism. Whether it’s a brisk walk in the park or a cycling session, staying active is key.
  • Incorporating strength training into your routine can prove very effective. This type of exercise not only builds muscle mass but also increases the rate at which calories are burned. Since muscle tissue consumes more energy than fat tissue, even when at rest, building muscle is an excellent approach to boosting metabolic rate.

It’s important to realise that these changes in metabolism are a natural part of the ageing process and managing them with healthy lifestyle choices can make a significant difference. Adopting a routine that includes both aerobic exercises and strength training can help maintain a healthier metabolism, thus mitigating some of the common effects of ageing.

Lifestyle Factors Contributing to Weight Gain

Lifestyle Adjustments: A reduction in physical activity is a common issue as one ages, and this can lead to an increase in weight. Some women may experience changes in appetite as a result of falling oestrogen levels. For others, the hormonal changes of menopause can result in disrupted sleep patterns. Poor sleep quality and shorter sleep duration have been shown to contribute to weight gain.

  • Staying active is helpful for managing weight and overall health. There’s lots of evidence to show that moving and exercising more is the key to losing weight in the menopause. If you’re not currently exercising, just start with small changes, like putting on a pair of trainers or comfortable shoes and walking for five or ten minutes. Take one day at a time and build even the smallest amount of extra exercise into your day. You don’t have to start with a marathon!
  • Try your best to avoid sugary foods that will cause swings in blood sugar and will not fill you up. Instead, eat more vegetables, slow-release carbohydrates, and protein as they will fill you up and help maintain a steady blood sugar level. This approach not only helps in maintaining a healthy weight but also supports overall well-being.
  • Many women say that they drink more to deal with stress and anxiety and to help them to sleep. Alcohol contains many calories which will be quickly converted to extra fat. It’s also a mood depressant. If you’re using alcohol to sleep, have a look at our sleep information page to find other ways to help you sleep.

Making these adjustments can have a big impact on managing weight postmenopause. Embracing these healthy lifestyle choices will not only assist in weight management but also enhance your general health.

Effective Management Strategies

Proactive Measures: Addressing weight gain during the postmenopausal phase usually requires a multifaceted approach. A holistic approach helps not only in managing the weight gain often associated with this stage in a woman’s life, but also in enhancing overall wellbeing and quality of life. What works (and is sustainable) will differ from person to person, but there are general principles that apply to everybody. The NHS is a great starting point.

  • Try your best to avoid sugary foods that will cause swings in blood sugar and will not fill you up. Instead, eat more vegetables, slow-release carbohydrates, and protein as they will fill you up and help maintain a steady blood sugar level.
  • Regular physical activity is vital for weight management during menopause. It helps to offset the metabolic slowdown and loss of muscle mass associated with hormonal changes. Regular physical activity not only aids in weight control but also improves overall health by reducing the risk of developing diseases such as osteoporosis and heart disease, which become more prevalent postmenopause.


Next Steps and Further Reading

If menopause symptoms are impacting your quality of life, please speak to your GP or a health care professional, or book an appointment with our menopause clinic. You don’t need to suffer in silence!

They can advise you on any appropriate lifestyle changes that would help, and discuss whether hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) (or HRT alternatives) might be suitable for you.

We have a wealth of free, evidence-based information and advice from a range of experts on all things exercise here and on all things nutrition here.


This article was created using several editorial tools, including AI, as part of the process. Human editors reviewed this content before publication.

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