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Laura Biggs is the founding director of Menopause Mandate, a campaign group dedicated to revolutionising the support and advice women receive from our health service and wider society. When she’s not advocating for change, she can be found running her multi-platform events company Intuitive Events.
It’s given me a whole new chapter, one I never expected but wouldn’t change for the world.
I’ve spent most of my career in the events industry. I sold my consumer events business in 2019 but retained The Fertility Show which we had to move online when covid struck in 2020. At the same time I was 47 and pregnant (a story in itself!), and almost as soon as I had my daughter, I was plunged into perimenopause. The hormones literally left the building.
Fast forward to mid-2020 lockdown, the strangest time ever. I realised that if I was struggling, so many others must be too. So, we launched Let’s All Talk Menopause. Online webinars, which eventually led me to meet Mariella Frostrup and, soon after, launch Menopause Mandate. What started as a campaign group has now become a movement keeping menopause high on the political and media agenda.
The never-ending symptoms, just when you think you’ve got one under control, another pops up. Do I increase my HRT? Change it? Add something else? But the hardest thing, without a doubt, has been the sleep or lack of it. There was a time last year when I would wake up at 2 am, convinced the world was ending. It drove me mad. Thankfully, I’m in a better place now, but I still have a bag full of HRT, supplements, and creams just to function in the morning.
And then there are the migraines – horrible three-day affairs. And the fact that I can’t tolerate alcohol anymore. I swear it feels like poison.
There have been so many.
Yoga. I discovered it while pregnant and haven’t missed a week since. If I don’t go regularly, I feel out of sorts. It keeps me grounded, strong, and just for an hour, it lets me forget about the never-ending to-do list.
A walk in the park. I need green spaces whether I’m walking or running, it resets me. I’m lucky to live near Bushy Park, one of London’s biggest and most beautiful Royal Parks (and, thankfully, one of the least crowded!). My dog, Doris, loves it too. She’s 70 in dog years but still runs and jumps in the water like she’s 20.
Whether you want to discuss your symptoms, create a treatment plan that's right for you, understand some test results or have a check-up, the highly experienced doctors and nurses in our menopause clinic are here to help you.
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