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Register for our FREE event – Menopause and Neurodiversity: What You Need to Know

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The impact of the menopause transition on neurodivergent people, in particular those with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or autism is a hot topic right now.

ADHD affects 3-4% of both men and women, autism 1 in 100. Some people are diagnosed in childhood, others as adults.

Either way, going through the menopause with ADHD and/or autism can be a perfect storm – amplifying neurodivergent features and menopausal symptoms, and pre-existing health conditions may worsen, making for a challenging time. But, with the right support, it need not be this way.

In this interactive and informative workshop, Dr Clare Spencer, co-founder of My Menopause Centre, and Dr Rachel Moseley, Principle Academic in Psychology at Bournemouth University, will:

  • Recap on the menopause transition and why it can impact all aspects of a woman’s life
  • Explain what neurodiversity is
  • Take a closer look at ADHD and autism, sharing, for each:
    • What it is, causes, incidence and diagnosis
    • Key features
    • How the menopause transition can impact these features
  • Share the latest thinking on how to prepare for and manage the menopausal transition, showing it’s a time to thrive not just survive – from lifestyle changes to HRT, and CBT to mindfulness and meditation, Dr Clare and Dr Rachel will leave no stone unturned!
  • Share the latest thinking on how to prepare for and manage menopause symptoms for love, life and work

Plus, there’ll be time for YOUR questions!

Simply follow these instructions to sign up: 

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  • If you already have a Rest Less Events account, just sign up for the free event as normal via the event page here.

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  • Step 1: Sign Up for Your Free Account – Sign Up Here
    Rest assured, no payment details are required for this free account!
    Note: The final stage in the process does mention the cost of Premium membership after your coupon expires, but as no payment details are required and the event is free you will not be charged.
  • Step 2: Register for the Event
    Once you’ve successfully signed up and logged in, visit the event page and Register Here. On the event page, you’ll find all the details about this exciting event. To secure your spot, click on the ‘Book’ button.

That’s it!  You’re now all set to attend ‘Menopause and Neurodiversity: What You Need to Know’ and enjoy one month of access to Rest Less Events as our gift to you.

Event speakers

Dr Clare Spencer

Dr Clare Spencer

Registered menopause specialist, GP and co-founder of My Menopause Centre

Dr Clare qualified from Cambridge University and holds Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners. She is also a member of the British Menopause Society (BMS) Medical Advisory Committee and a BMS menopause trainer.

Dr Rachel Moseley

Dr Rachel Moseley

Principle Academic in Psychology at Bournemouth University

Dr Rachel Moseley completed her PhD in cognitive neuroscience at the University of Cambridge, UK, and is now Principle Academic in Psychology at Bournemouth University.

Her early work focused on brain structure and function in autistic people, but her research now centres on mental health and wellbeing in autistic adults, particularly around suicide and self-injury.

Dr Moseley and colleagues conducted the seminal work on menopause in autistic adults, highlighting it as a potential crisis point, and continue to advance knowledge in this limited field. Dr Moseley is herself autistic, diagnosed in adulthood.

Helen Normoyle

Helen Normoyle

Co-founder, My Menopause Centre

Helen co-founded My Menopause Centre with her good friend, Dr Clare Spencer. She is on a mission to raise awareness of menopause and help empower women with the knowledge they need to embrace this new chapter and thrive. Helen is particularly passionate about supporting women in the workplace and helping employers understand the benefits of having a positive menopause policy. Helen has held Chief Marketing Officer roles in a range of sectors with Boots, the BBC, DFS and Countrywide. She has also worked in broadcast and telecoms regulation at Ofcom and in the mobile technology sector with Motorola.

Register for our FREE event – Menopause and Neurodiversity: What You Need to Know

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